
When Darkness Falls - Ch. 11

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Chapter 11 – Checking Up

Elijah finally caught up to Ken, who was still walking briskly through the stone halls.  Elijah had to jog just to keep up with him – the man had remarkably long legs and put them to good use.

"Hey, thanks for guiding me to a room.  I mean, I must have looked like a wreck when I broke down in front of the empress like that-"

"Don't mention it.  She's always friendly, but you must be pretty special 'cause I've never seen her treat someone with such care and kindness," he shot back.  He almost sounded resentful, his tone sharp.  Maybe he was just hurried to get Elijah to his spot so he could go back to guarding his ruler?

"Oh really?  Well that's cool, I suppose," he began, but Ken stopped and turned to face him.  Elijah stopped as well, his eyes wide and a small frown on his face.

"It's cool?  Yeah, it's real cool that you just come along and earn her respect right away when the rest of us have tried to earn it for the last century."  Elijah cowered, covering his upper body with his hands as though Ken's words were violating his very figure.  Ken turned away once more, walking quickly to wherever he was going.  Elijah knew he had no choice but to follow, stepping forward after a couple of seconds.

"I'm sorry – I didn't mean to undermine anyone's relationship with her!" Elijah almost shouted.  Wait, is that why Gary was so insistent when he spoke with her?  Is he still trying to win her over after being an ambassador for all these years?  Elijah didn't have long to think, however, since Ken had gone so far ahead.  He now had to rely on the sound of his footsteps and hope that he was headed in the right direction, until at last...

He stopped in one doorway and saw Ken standing in a hall of doors, still facing away from him.  Each door was guarded by a vampire in armor.  There were several doors in the hallway, each had a different design and door handle.  Elijah looked out among them – some were designs he recognized from US history lessons, some were designs from different countries, modern and historic, and some were designs he'd never even seen before.

"What is this?" Elijah asked.  Ken motioned with one hand towards the end of the hall.

"It's where humans stay.  It has all the things you'll need for your stay.  Well, day clothes and food, we have to get those for you," he said.  Elijah nodded slowly.

"I'll, uh, let you get back to your place now.  I'll ask someone else for the food," Elijah suggested.  It went well-appreciated, as Ken finally smiled and nodded in response.

"Sleep well," he said as he jogged away.  Elijah nodded, though Ken could no longer see him, and walked up to a few of the doors, looking at their designs.  He decided he'd pick the one that was the most interesting, no matters its contents.  As he walked down the hall, he stopped at a door that had red metal as its base, though it was coated with golden vines – almost like an elven design.  He wondered if elves were real, too...

"Did you want this room?" the guard standing in front of it asked.  Elijah nodded.  The guard stepped aside for him, and Elijah noticed there was a metal sign on the front of the door that read 'vacant.'  The guard reached out his left hand and touched it.  The metal quivered at first, then it morphed itself, the word melting and reforming to read 'inhabited.'  Elijah smiled and nodded a 'thank you' to the guard, who returned a slight bow.  The dark-haired teen put his fingers around the leaf-shaped knob.  No way this isn't elven, all signs point to it.

He twisted his wrist and opened the door, looking in at what awaited him.

Vines littered the designs of the room, thrown all over the dark blue bedsheets, the green curtains, the red velvet chairs and the wooden dresser.  Elijah let out a laugh, realizing that this could be nothing but elven.  They must exist, but they were definitely not creatures of the night.  Closing the door, Elijah looked around.  The light in the room came from a glowing lamp, lit by magick in the form of a glowing yellow orb which had an intricate thin wood lampshade around it.  Looked like there was a small button at the base for turning it off.  The young man walked over to the dresser, pulling his belongings out of his pocket to set them down on top of it.  It was a habit, he admitted, but he didn't care.  He was getting pretty exhausted, since it was probably 3 AM back in the Mountain Time Zone of North America.  He wasn't hungry enough to ask anyone outside for any food, and he knew it would sit hard on his stomach anyway if he ate just before sleeping.  He chose instead to strip down to his underwear, making use of some appropriately-sized short pajamas in the dresser drawers, and donning them before pressing the button on the lamp to plunge him into sweet, embracing darkness.  His fingers found the sheets quickly and he knelt into the bed, pulling them over him and collapsing onto his pillow.  Finally, he could rest.

When Elijah awoke, he began to go about his typical routine, despite the fact that he was in a completely new place.  He knew there was a bathroom somewhere in here, since the rooms were supposed to accommodate humans.  The room was fairly dark, but that false moonlight above still shone down upon him, allowing him to see at least somewhat before he touched the button of the lamp on the dresser to bring his world back to light.

He leaned over to the side, cracking his back in an attempt to jolt him awake.  It almost backfired as he began to relax more from his relieved joints, but he instead heaved himself up and out of the remarkably soft bed.  He would die laughing if the shower had elven designs in it, but the small door looked like a normal bathroom one.  As he opened it, he sighed in relief, seeing a very normal-looking toilet and glass-door shower.  He smiled and began his morning ritual.

Elijah emerged fresh and new from his routine and opened the front door, donned in the same clothes as when he arrived.  He decided they didn't smell bad enough that he would need another set of garments.  He glanced to his left, trying to remember the way back to Maleva's court room, until he suddenly remembered the inquiry hours.  He turned back to the room and walked in, shutting the door behind him once more.  The inquiry hours were 6 AM to 10 AM.  Great – he had loads of time to kill, because it was apparently 5 PM.  He didn't care about the local time, he really wasn't going to adjust his sleeping schedule anyway because he planned on keeping to the Mountain Time Zone standards in case he had to go back to a normal life.  Perhaps he would be able to visit Jon or Garrett?  He glanced around the room one last time before setting off.

The light looked exactly the same as it had earlier.  This would have surprised Elijah if he didn't know the light was artificial.  The teen stretched quickly before closing his door and dashing off to the sevawolf area.  As much as he wanted to check on Jon, it was probably a safer idea to check up on his little brother first – at the very least, he would be able to use it to defend himself in case Garrett attacked him for it.  He trusted both parties were doing well, but Garrett always felt last on the list for everything, so Elijah decided to give him some security of mind.

He arrived at the sevawolf area, glancing down at the ranks of guards.  Maleva was no longer present on the red throne, which was a bit unnerving and weird to see for the first time, but Elijah knew she had to rest and eat and go to meetings at some point.  Not even empresses can sit and look pretty forever.  Elijah glanced off at the guards, forever in their stony position, wondering if any one of them would be willing to help him.  He couldn't recognize a single one of them from last night, despite the fact that he'd seen two of them transform into their human forms.  The teenager just stood and stared for a bit, not sure what to do.  Finally, one wolf with brown hair transformed back into an outwardly-white human with pale skin and bright blue eyes.  This was a new one he'd not met before.  She stepped forward.

"Anything you need assistance with, human?" she asked.  Elijah nodded rapidly.

"I... don't know this place very well.  I need to know how to find my brother.  He just began his training last night.  His name's Garrett," he said.  The sevawolf looked at him for just a second, seeming to size him up, then turned to her left.  Elijah followed.
She led him down a corridor between a few torches on the far side of the room, which would have been on his right had he entered this lair like he'd entered the Vampire Guild.  Again, Elijah had to jog to keep up, since she was walking in too long of strides for most humans to keep up at a walking pace.  Damn that supernatural energy!  After a few more turns, they arrived at another large hall.  This one wasn't nearly as large as the throne room, but it was large enough to house many different sevawolves doing all sorts of... things.  Each one was paired with another, one apparently instructing the other, as such was the process of 'training.'  Elijah pieced that aspect together pretty quickly, but couldn't quite tell what they were doing.

Some were sparring, and a few others had what appeared to be humans of various descent nearby.  They didn't look like they were being held against their will, but they certainly looked frightened on some level.  Elijah guessed that they were there to be 'bait' for new sevawolves who were still struggling with their instincts.  A very good idea, though obviously a bit morbid for the humans in case a sevawolf happened to break loose and kill them.  The human teenager wondered if they were being paid for this in some way.  At first he guessed food, since he noticed every human to be somewhat overweight, but then he wondered if that was specifically for the purpose of making the humans seem 'more tasty.'  He chuckled at this thought, glad that he didn't seem appetizing in comparison.  The sevawolf leading him walked him down to essentially the very end of the line-up.  He instantly spotted out Gary and his little brother.

"Is this the person you're looking for?" the sevawolf asked sharply.  Elijah nodded.

"Thank you so much, miss...?" he said, waiting for her to fill in her name.

"Monica.  You are welcome," she replied, turning on her high heels and heading back down the hallway at nearly a running speed.  Gee, thanks for being so cordial, too.

"Elijah!" a shout sounded from a few meters away.  It was Garrett, of course.  Elijah smiled in response.

"Hey little man!  How's your training going?" he asked as he walked towards the pair.  Gary, dressed in the same clothes as always, seemed to glower once he saw Elijah, and though the young man knew it, he ignored his friend of a friend.  Elijah noticed that Garrett now had on a fitted black button-up long-sleeve shirt, as well as dark gray jeans and brown shoes – they were made of leather, much like his own.

"It's going alright, I'm lucky that I was turned so young – they say it makes the urge to kill less... potent, I think.  Anyway, I'm doing good and I might be out in three days!" he said excitedly.  Elijah's jaw dropped a bit.

"Three!?  That's way sooner than a week!  Good job!" he said.  Garrett beamed, proud of himself.  Elijah now turned his attention to Gary, who was still staring.

"Interesting how all three of us seem to be special in our own way, huh Gary?" he asked.  His acquaintance scoffed.

"Yeah, sure."

"So Garrett's progression will have you out of the training sooner than you expected.  That's good news!"

"Yeah, it is," the man responded, turning away.

"Something wrong, Gary?  All of a sudden, you seem to be an asshole," Elijah said, enunciating the last word more strongly.  Gary turned back, his look no longer of dislike, but of mild shock.

"I don't know why you're so upset, but you'll be out of it sooner than you expected if my little bro here keeps up whatever he's doing.  So stop acting like a whiny little teenager – Garrett should have more of a right to do that than you."  Gary didn't know what to say, he just stood and stared.  Garrett was oblivious to Gary's disappointment, for some reason, so he was also surprised by Elijah's words, his face expressing his emotions perfectly.

"Seriously.  Cut the shit, Gary.  He'll be 'out of your hair' soon enough anyway," Elijah finalized.  With those words, he turned back to his little brother.

"You come and find me when you're done, okay?  I'm staying in the human guest quarters, behind the elven door.  You do your best, little buddy," he said, quickly embracing his brother.  Garrett returned the embrace, and then Elijah parted from the group, walking out of the hall casually back to the main sevawolf hall.

Thank you, Maleva, for giving me the courage I need to stand up to those who need some sense talked to them.

"That was weird," Garrett said after a few moments.  His voice was a tad loud since he needed to speak over the other trainers who were sparring, speaking and everything in between.  Gary hadn't spoken since Elijah had told him he was being an asshole.

Wow... I guess I really am making a mountain out of a hill.  And Garrett's been nothing but patient and hard-working this whole time, while I've been demanding and snippy.  Guess my other issues got in the way of my duties.  Thanks, Elijah.

"Okay, little guy.  Now we're gonna try and use the bait test on you."  Garrett's eyes widened a bit in fear and surprise, but then he sighed and stood up straight and tall, like he was ready for it.

"Bring 'em out."

Elijah continued on down the halls, his head held higher than usual, due to his newfound confidence.  He passed a few guards and smiled at them, usually getting a smile back.  Word had spread fast around here, and it was known that Elijah was well-liked by the leader of the sevawolves.  If he was treated bad, someone would pay dearly for it.  The young man continued on until he found the vampire's main hall.  He tried a similar approach to get someone's attention, standing in front of him.  This time, someone recognized him.

"Pardon," said a strong voice, and the guards parted.  Walking towards him was a young-seeming black woman.  She was very slender and her skin was as dark as Assefa's.  Her face had very African features and her hair – wow, her hair – was straightened and very, very long.  It reached a bit past her shoulder blades.  Elijah didn't want to imagine how long it had taken her to straighten it the first time.  Perhaps she had it magickally altered to keep it looking so wonderful.  A curl up towards the top of her head, one resting on her shoulder – her hair was styled and splayed out beautifully on her slender shoulders.  She stood around 6 feet tall in her bright blue heels.  Her entire outfit, which was the same style as Blanca's, was an electric blue, a color which went wonderfully with her skin.  However, Elijah had to wonder – how on earth did she manage to sneak up on anyone wearing such a loud color?

"You are Elijah, correct?" she asked.  He nodded.

"I've heard of your arrival.  I can take you to Jon if you wish," she said.  Elijah nodded once more with a smile.  The woman offered a small smile in return.  She walked right past him down a corridor, the young human following close behind her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name," Elijah said.

"That's because I didn't give it."

"Well... what is your name, kind vampire?"  She laughed.

"You think I'm kind.  That's cute.  The name is Ash Night."

"Ash... what an interesting entendre."

"How do you mean?" Ash asked as she continued walking.  Her tone carried respect and power, though it was a touch cold.

"Well it's pretty much a quadruple-entendre.  Ash could mean Ashley or ash like the ash of the dead.  Night could mean that you're a creature of the night or a that you're a knight for the Vampire Guild."  Ash actually stopped walking and Elijah's shoes squeaked on the marble as he stopped.  She turned around with a curious smile on her face, though her eyes were a bit narrowed.  It was an expression quite unlike anything he'd ever seen.  She seemed to be sizing him up based on this one statement, and judging by her growing smile, it was a good one.

"You're an interesting one.  I've never had someone point that out within two minutes of meeting me.  Hell, I've known people for hundreds of years who never picked up on anything.  You must be smart," she said.

"Or most of the people around you are pretty stupid," he replied.  She giggled.  A very cute, almost flirtatious giggle.

"That's probably true as well.  Vampires and sevawolves are generally pretty intelligent, but some are just too self-absorbed.  It's like humans being ethnocentric.  Creatures of the night are naturally self-absorbed, since they are usually loners, just as humans are instinctively back-stabbing and power-hungry since they are used to climbing the ladder.  Or at least Americans," she observed.  Elijah nodded solemnly.

"Hopefully there aren't too many who are self-absorbed?" he asked her.  She shook her head for just a second, then stopped.  She turned around and resumed walking, but still talked to him.

"There are more than I would prefer.  I know I am self-absorbed, by nature, but I do not let it consume me.  I am not a people pleaser, but I am not heartless either.  I like you, Elijah.  You're someone who actually understands what I'm saying," she told him.  He smiled.

"It's difficult to stump me," Elijah replied with a slightly crooked smile.  Ash nodded with a smirk over her shoulder, and continued walking towards their destination.

"Your friend is training with Blanca.  That's also interesting," she told him.

"Why's that?  What's so special about Blanca?"

"She's our most powerful warrior," Ash said.

"Wait.  Among the entire vampire population?" he asked.  She nodded quickly like it was nothing.

"Shit," Elijah muttered.

"Something wrong?"

"Isn't that kinda weird?  A brand new vampire being trained with the most powerful vampire warrior around?" he asked.  She shrugged.

"Yes, though Vlad knows his auras when he detects them, so we don't doubt him," she said, her heels clicking down the halls.  Eli was about to say something else, but he saw they had entered a similar hall as the sevawolf training hall.  He spotted Blanca and Jon immediately, since they were the first ones in the line-up and closest to him.  As soon as he walked in, Jon turned to him and immediately smiled.

"Elijah!" he said, wanting to run but clearly not being able to.  Blanca had a look in her eyes like she was going to murder him if he moved from his current spot, so Elijah instead ran over to greet his friend.  Ash fell behind, seeing as she was still walking at her regular pace.  When Elijah caught up to him, he was hesitant to touch him – Blanca's expression was just as cruel to him as it was to Jon.

"Uh... how are you doing?" Elijah tried to ask casually, secretly fumbling over his hands because of Blanca's stare.  Jon nodded, smiling brightly.

"I'm doing pretty good, actually, how about yourself?"  Elijah laughed, knowing Jon would make a joke out of it.

"I meant your training, silly," he reiterated.  Jon shrugged, giving Eli a slightly flirtatious smile.

"So far, I'm doing alright.  Blanca says I'm a natural, but it typically takes vampires a week anyway."  Elijah wanted to respond to Jon's mixed signals, but didn't feel like dragging it out due to Blanca.

"Cool.  So you've probably got six more days then?"

"Yeah.  Unless I get out in five by some miracle."

"Garrett should be out in three."

"Three?!" Jon asked, aghast at the idea.

"Yeah.  At least according to Gary.  Hopefully it's not your friend rushing him through it, 'cause I know he didn't seem to be too keen on the idea of having to train Garrett at all."

"Why not?"

"I dunno, I guess he had other plans or something.  Whatever the case, I gave him a little talking to and he seemed to calm down.  I hope."  Elijah was also hoping that Jon's reaction wouldn't be anger, since Gary was still his friend, though he didn't know just how good of friends they really were.  Gary had turned out to be a sevawolf and Jon seemingly had no clue about it.  Much to Elijah's pleasure, Jon laughed heartily.

"Good.  He could use it every now and then.  He gets moody for no reason sometimes."  Elijah smiled in response.

"Glad to know I could help," he replied.

"Sorry to interrupt, Elijah, but we have some business to take care of.  And it seems like you two have caught up plenty," Blanca interjected.  Elijah nodded grimly, backing away.

"Alright alright.  Well, at least he seems to be doing well enough around humans, right?" Elijah said cheerily, still stepping back.

"Around one he knows, maybe."  Gee, don't sound so optimistic.

"I'll see you later Jon!  Good luck!"  Jon wearily waved goodbye, clearly disappointed that his conversation had been cut short.  Elijah was still backing away, but he was also watching.  Jon turned back to Blanca and started to say something.  Looked kinda insulting, too, based on the way his eyes were narrowed.  Blanca shot back something else, and it shut him up.  It was odd to see a short little girl, looking about 14, talking down to a young man who was at least 6'3".  Elijah finally turned around and followed Ash back out, not saying another word.

When they reached the throne room once again, Elijah stepped in front of Ash.

"So, what's there to do around here?"

"Oh, there's plenty.  We have room service, you're welcome to go and visit a few of our magicians who might be able to make you a nice little something, and we have plenty of sections for everything aside from normal vampires and sevawolves."

"Like what?" he asked.

"Like the child's section.  There are many children who undergo The Change, they just don't typically have the proper skills to survive out in the world.  Or if they do, they would never be able to pass for a regular human, since they never age."  Elijah hadn't even thought about that.  Vampires who were 5 or 6?  Sevawolves who were still wearing diapers?  The concept was hilarious, but Elijah guessed their condition was no laughing matter.  He certainly wouldn't laugh at a sevawolf that was up to his knee but had enough power to rip his throat out.

"What else is there?"

"There's the children who grow.  As Maleva calls them, 'miracles of the dark.'  They are sort of their own species and have their own throne room and all.  They also have their own rules, but they don't differ that much from ours.  There is the merfolk tank where we can have visitation sessions with merfolk guests.  There is the hall of famous supernaturals..."

"Okay, I like the sound of that last one.  Take me there, please," Elijah said.  Ash laughed briefly.

"Alright, but if I do, I'm just going to carry you, since it's a bit of a trip for humans.  Get ready!"  Before Eli could fully prepare himself, Ash had picked him up and swung him over one shoulder, breaking out into a full sprint down the halls, turning awfully fast – good thing Eli was keeping his head down and his eyes shut, protecting his neck and his sense of speed.  Almost better that way than to look up and see everything that was happening.  It was only thirty seconds before Ash finally slowed down and dropped Elijah onto the floor.  The human thought of kissing the ground for dramatic effect, but instead thanked his new friend, glancing around at the hall.

It was set up much like a museum, complete even with a checkered black and white floor, with a green carpet running along the exhibits.  The statues didn't seem to be made of bronze or plastic, but rather some semi-opaque material.  In fact...

"Are these statues made out of minerals?  Like giant sapphires and emeralds?" Elijah asked.  Ash snickered.

"Quick as always.  We have access to some very deep veins of minerals, gold and the like.  Though they are almost entirely useless to us, they sure do look pretty when our alteration magicians work their wonders on the large pieces.  They can even get rid of the impurities and air bubbles.  Each statue is worth one billion American dollars, at least.  But humans could never smuggle them out and we creatures of the night have no reason to pawn them."  Elijah knew he certainly wouldn't get away with trying to sneak one out, but why would he even want to?  These sentients had been nothing but kind to him since he had arrived, and to risk it all over a few dollars... well, he certainly wasn't going to act like a CEO when it came to that.  He had too good of a heart.

"This will probably entertain me for a good while.  You're welcome to do other things if you want," he told her.  She smiled gently.

"I will check back up on you in half an hour.  How's that sound?"  Elijah nodded.

"Sounds great.  Thanks!"

"Enjoy," she told him with a small smile as she sped away on her remarkably long legs.

Elijah looked at the first statue in front of him – it looked to be made of emerald.  He identified it to be a sevawolf.  This one was someone named Bela.  A man named Bela?  Elijah leaned in closer to look at the embossed inscription on the marble stand beneath the statue.

Son of Maleva.  1578-1604 A.C.E.

Elijah's mind began to race with possibilities. Her son's dead?  And he's been dead for quite some time.  Is that one of the reasons she was so friendly with me?  I do look sort of like her son, assuming his coloring was close to hers.  Maybe she still has some issues with losing him.  Maybe that's why she's taken so kindly to me.  Maybe she's trying to replace her son with me.

And then another thought intruded his cortex, though it finally calmed him down.

Or maybe she's just nice.  Ever think of that?

Elijah sighed, knowing he should really give people more credit.  He had just been burned far too many times to believe that most kindness was genuine like his own.  There had always been ulterior motives, and they had always abandoned him once they got what they wanted.  Always.  'Cept Andrew and Max.  And maybe Jon.  But who knew Jon's motives for even becoming his friend?

Elijah moved on to the next statue, one made of garnet.  It was some slender (big surprise there) female vampire from the dark ages.  Her name was Lily, and she proclaimed to be the reincarnation of Lilith.  She even had more powers than most other vampires, having killed a few hundred who opposed her ideas.  In the end, it was Christian soldiers who killed her, by somehow tying her up and letting the sunrise hit her face, destroying her in an instant.  Elijah knew crosses didn't work, so he wondered exactly how they had managed to get her tied up during the nighttime.  Probably an elaborate trap of some sort... unless the Christians had some secret weapon on their side?  It didn't matter now, but the whole reincarnation of Lilith really brought about some questions – was she really telling the truth?  Or was she just a particularly powerful vampire like Jon?  Elijah was pretty sure Jon wasn't the reincarnation of anything like that, so it was possible she was just lying.  He shook his head of these thoughts before getting too involved, and moved onto the next statue.

He passed by many different vampire and sevawolf statues, made of all sorts of minerals.  Some were good, some were bad, and some were just plain weird, but they all had one thing in common – they stood out, even among the Sevawolf Federation and the Vampire Guild.  There was something particularly special about each and every one of them.  Each of them had dramatically changed the society as a whole, in some way or another.  But they were all deceased, and Elijah knew that whenever Maleva should die, her statue would be glorious – probably made of white diamond, because it was the only thing that would really suit her and she was just that valuable.

Elijah finally saw the last two statues in the exhibit.  Both were made of onyx.  He'd long noticed the pattern of vampires on one side and sevawolves on another, and these two statues remained true to it, but there was something different about them.  He looked carefully at their expressions and their facial features.  They were angry and filled with hatred.  He thought it was obvious as to who they were, but he decided to look down at their inscriptions on the white marble anyway.

Lycaon – The First Sevawolf

Lilith – The First Vampire

Just as he'd thought.  Lilith's face was an oval shape, and though she was quite beautiful and appeared to be in her thirties, Elijah had a feeling that it meant nothing for her personality.  Her eyes, he imagined, were red, and her hair was long and flowing down to her shoulder blades.  It descended in large curls, and Elijah wanted to imagine that it was also red, but unfortunately these statues didn't come in more than one color.  He would never know her skin tone.

He turned to face the other statue, of a very strong and tall man who looked to be in his forties.  He stood much like a king from a standard European fairy tale, though a permanent sneer and look of hatred was engraved into his stern face.  Underneath the large beard, Elijah assumed he was probably chiseled, though his beard covered almost half of his face, preventing anyone from seeing what lied beneath.  He wanted to assume his cape was covered in gold, as well as his scepter and his crown.  Perhaps even his shoes and his shirt.  This man was almost greed incarnate.  Elijah wondered if a deadly sin matched up with Lilith... pride, perhaps?  He shrugged, trying to not find biblical references in everything.

A loud and fast clicking of heels alerted him and he instantly turned around, facing Ash once again.

"Find everything to your liking?"

"I did.  Except... what ever happened to these two?" Elijah asked, gesturing backwards with one arm in the direction of Lycaon.  Ash sighed quietly.

"I know not.  All I know is that they are not welcome here and we are to eliminate them if we ever see them again."

"But... you have statues of them.  Why would you kill something you praise?"

"Praise?  No.  Respect and honor?  Yes.  They are the first of us, which have allowed us to live on... but that doesn't mean that they should.  They are too powerful, and would probably try and destroy the human race if they were given the opportunity."

"I sure am lucky you don't want to do that!" Elijah pointed out.  Ash smirked.

"We are creatures of the night, not monsters of the night.  We have come to see that we could never rebuild the human race, and that though humans distrust and hate us most of the time, they can also be useful allies.  Plus, we have overcome our vampiric and wolfish desires, rendering humans to typically be our equals instead of prey.  Unless of course, they are trying to kill us and will stop at nothing to do so."

"I can understand that.  Self-defense.  And if they spot you, they will just get more to come back and retaliate.  Also keeps your base safe."

"Perceptive, perceptive."

"So does anyone know what Lilith and Lycaon actually looked like, or are these just renditions?"

"A few of the elders have told us about their appearance, since they briefly saw them aeons ago."

"The elders?"  Ash extended her arm to Elijah.

"Come.  I will take you to meet them."

Just as Ash had said this, another loud whooshing sound rose through the room.  A young man in a black leather coat had rushed into the room, sending Elijah flying back a few feet until his back touched a wall.  His resistance was the only thing that prevented him from being knocked unconscious.  Ash looked at the man curiously, seeming to know he was no threat.

Elijah looked on at the young man.


The man raised his head, pushing his long blond hair out of his deep blue eyes.  He tilted his head briefly at Elijah, who was looking like he saw a ghost.  After all, he practically did.

Ah this took foreverrrrrrrrr... but I'm finally done.

Hurrdurr of course people saw this one coming. If you didn't then... yay. If you did... I'm sorry for this. :(

So Chapter 12 will probably go along pretty quickly, but Nellis is distracting me because it's sexy and interesting and new. I'll have to update TML as well. :D
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